Nicolette C. DUDENEY
Founder & Owner Of:;
#HumaneBoycottWorldwide (HBW);
#HumaneYulinBoycott (Worldwide);
One Multispecies World.
On ‘Our’ SHARED #ONEMultispeciesWorld
Nature Balances At All Times: Where There Is Stinging Nettle There Is Dock Leaf.
At all times…I strive to balance my diversity and my consistency.
Having had diverse life experiences not found in textbooks, work manuals, nor reference books, and
faced life’s challenges in many parts of the world, in different socioeconomic conditions,
while working and traveling in different educational levels, languages and cultures,
it is my belief that a basic solution to most problems worldwide is for individuals to adopt the concept of:
Don’t Do Unto Other Species – What You Would Not Want Done To You Own Species
No Haga A Otras Especies – Lo Que No Quiere Que Se Haga A Su Especie
and by doing so will take care of their own species as well.
Nicolette C. DUDENEY
Of an international multispecies family, am bilingual with elementary abilities in various languages, and can interact when no shared language is present.
As an Agnostic Christian the care of all species is central to my life.
Have lived, visited, and studied
on all five continents; completing
my formal education with highest grades while working full time
with many family responsibilities.
Work Experience
Worked on four continents,
in various international administrative capacities, as an entrepreneur, and
in voluntary roles.
In all positions have consistently maintained the highest evaluations, attained many promotions, and left in good standing of my own volition.
Many eclectic interests ranging
from history to futuristic technology,
with nature ever present.
My curiosity, interests and
intense joy of learning, provide no limits
except for the consistency
as to how they affect, and how to improve,
the existences of ALL species
on our SHARED ONE Multispecies World.
As other species are
the most vulnerable and innocent,
they are the canaries in the mines of life,
making the harms of any other species,
the harms for all species.
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